Mystral SAS terms of use

The Terms of Use of Mystral SAS ("Mystral", "we", "our", "us") constitute a legal agreement between you, the user, and Mystral SAS. These Terms detail the terms of use of our application called "Domino Blast" and our website and our services, in-app purchases, and other services offered (collectively referred to as "Services"). It is important to read these Terms carefully to understand their content and implications.

Who Are We?

Mystral SAS is a company registered in France, with registration number 87814088800016 and its registered office located at 3 clos de Durand, 06330 Roquefort les Pins, France. Our contact details are provided in the "How to Contact Us" section below.

Your Agreement with Us

By accepting these Terms, or by using our Services, you agree to comply with and be legally bound by these Terms. If you do not agree with these Terms, you should neither access nor use our Services.

Our Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy, accessible via, explains how we use your personal information, including our information sharing practices, how long we keep your data, the circumstances in which we or others may contact you (including for sending advertisements and marketing messages), and your rights regarding your personal information.

Our Rules of Use

Using our Services implies adherence to our rules of use. You agree not to engage in actions, share, distribute, make available, or transmit data, messages, or files that: - Are sexually explicit, vulgar, or obscene; - Constitute a form of cheating or personal attack on others; - Encourage illegal activities, impersonate someone, or misrepresent your identity; - Delete or modify legal notices, disclaimers, copyright or trademark notices; - Infringe the rights of third parties, including intellectual property or privacy rights; - Contain viruses or similar threats, or interfere with, damage, or alter our Services; - Involve disruptive, antisocial, or destructive behavior.

We reserve the right to terminate or restrict your use of the Services or to disable your account if you fail to comply with our rules or if we reasonably believe that you have behaved inappropriately while using our Services. If we suspect that you have cheated, we may also remove any in-game purchases from you, including, for example, virtual items obtained through cheating.

Service Updates

From time to time, we may deploy or provide patches, updates, enhancements, additional content, or other modifications to the Services (for example, for maintenance, feature enhancement, bug fixes, or security issues).

These updates and enhancements may result in temporary unavailability of the Services. In some cases, we may need to suspend, withdraw, or disable the Services while deploying these updates and enhancements. We will always try to inform you, but this may not always be possible. We recommend installing the latest version of the Services. If you do not install an update or enhancement, all the functionality and features of the Services may not be available to you.

Virtual Items

Our Services may allow you to acquire certain virtual items, such as virtual currencies, points, or similar items (collectively referred to as "Virtual Items"). You acknowledge that you do not actually own these Virtual Items and that their virtual value does not correspond to any real-world monetary value, credit balance, or currency.

Any virtual currency or similar balance does not constitute a real-world balance or stored value. Your right to use the Virtual Items is personal to you unless we agree otherwise, and is limited to the license granted below, see the section entitled "Your Right to Use the Services". You may not resell or trade any Virtual Items.

Please note that if you delete and reinstall a game on a new device, you may lose your in-game purchases, including Virtual Items.

Who Owns the Content Made Available Through the Services?

We own or have a license to use all the content and information contained in the Services (including our games), including all intellectual property rights related to our Services. For example, we own or have a license to use all the software code, graphics, images, trademarks, designs, logos, videos, and text in our games.

You are not permitted to use the Services unless expressly allowed under these Terms. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise modify the Services in any way.

User Content

The Services may allow you to create a username and an online identity that allows you to communicate with others. For example, our Services may allow you to share custom boards ("User Content").

You warrant that you have the right to share and use such User Content and to comply with our Rules when doing so. You agree that we may use your User Content for any purpose in connection with the Services (including reposting and sharing it) without any payment or obligation to you or anyone else. We may remove any potentially infringing User Content without notice.

Your Right to Use the Services

Subject to these Terms, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, and personal license to access and use the Services for non-commercial entertainment purposes. You agree not to use the Services for any other purpose.

Our Responsibility to You in Certain Circumstances

We do not guarantee that the Services will always be available, uninterrupted, secure, or free of bugs, viruses, errors, or omissions. For example, there may be times when the Services are unavailable due to maintenance or technical issues. We may also change, suspend, or discontinue certain Services - we will always try to inform you, but this may not be possible in all cases (for example, due to reasons beyond our control, or if there is an urgent security issue).

We will not be liable for any loss or damage you suffer as a result of a Service becoming temporarily or permanently unavailable.

We are not responsible for the following types of loss or damage that may arise from your use of the Services: - Damage to your computer system or data loss (whether due to a virus or other malicious software or not), except where caused by our lack of reasonable care and skill; - Loss, damage, or upset you suffer as a result of the actions of another user; - Any loss or damage if the Services are not provided to you, or are interrupted or suspended, or if we do not comply with the Terms due to events beyond our control, such as an act of God, an accident, a fire, a lockout, a strike, or other official or unofficial labor dispute, a civil commotion, or any other event beyond our reasonable control; or - Loss or damage that neither we nor you could have reasonably anticipated or expected when you started using the Services. This includes, for example, any loss or damages that is indirect or a side effect of the main loss or damage, such as loss of revenue or salary, or loss of profit, opportunity, or reputation.

Nothing in the Terms excludes or limits our liability for death or personal injury caused by negligence, or for fraud. We do not make any statement, warranty, or promise regarding the Services not set out in these Terms, including, without limitation, any statements made by third parties, such as third-party advertisers.

We will take reasonable steps to ensure that our Services are free from viruses and other malicious software, but we also recommend that you use appropriate antivirus software.

What Happens If I Download a Game Through an Online Store Such as the iTunes App Store or the Google Play Store?

You will also be asked to agree to the terms of the relevant online store, which will apply in addition to these Terms. You should read these online store terms carefully.

If you make any in-game purchases, the terms and conditions of the relevant online store provider will also apply. You acknowledge that any billing and transactions are handled by the online store provider. You should contact the online store provider directly if you have any payment-related issues with in-game purchases.

Creating an Account with Us

In certain circumstances, you may create an account with us. Any account you have created is subject to your compliance with these Terms. If you create an account from a social networking site, such as Facebook, you must comply with its terms of service/use as well as these Terms.

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your username and password and you are also responsible for all activities that are carried out under your account. We also recommend that you regularly change your password, and do not use the same email and password in relation to other online activities. We will not be liable if your username and password are used by someone else. If you become aware of any unauthorized use of your username and password, you should inform us immediately by email at

Closing Your Account with Us

If you have created an account with us, you can close it at any time by emailing us using the following link: Please note that we may close your account with us if it is inactive for 180 days.

Ensuring You Have the Necessary Equipment to Use Our Services

You must provide all equipment and software necessary to connect to the Services. You are responsible for any fees, including internet connection or mobile fees, that you incur when accessing the Services.

We Are Not Responsible for Third-Party Websites or Content

When using the Services, you may see links to third-party websites, advertising, or content provided by third parties. These links are provided by third parties and not by us. We do not endorse any third-party website or content linked from our Services. We are not responsible or liable for anything that happens to you when you visit these third-party websites or use third-party content. If you visit a third-party website, please be aware that it may have its own terms of use, license agreement, and privacy policy that you will need to be aware of.

We Are Not Responsible for Third-Party Advertising

On some pages, you may see advertising content provided by third parties. We do not control the advertisements that are placed via our Services.

If you click on an advertisement, you will be dealing with third parties responsible for that advertisement. We are not responsible for anything that happens to you when you visit these third-party websites or use third-party content. If you visit a third-party website, please be aware that it may have its own terms of use, license agreement, and privacy policy that you will need to be aware of.

Questions, Complaints, and Disputes

We will do our best to resolve any disputes over these Terms of Use and your use of the Services.

These Terms, their subject matter, and their formation, are governed by English law. However, if you are a consumer and resident of any European Union country, you will benefit from the mandatory provisions of, and legal rights available to you under, the laws of that country. Nothing in these Terms affects your rights as a consumer to rely on these local law mandatory provisions and legal rights.

You and we both agree that the courts of England and Wales will have non-exclusive jurisdiction. However, if you are a consumer and resident of any European Union country, you and we may also bring proceedings in that country.

If we are unable to resolve any disputes between us regarding the delivery of some Services, you have the right to submit the dispute to the EU’s Online Dispute Resolution platform at

The terms and conditions of the relevant online store also include instructions explaining what to do if a game is defective. Your rights and remedies for defective games and how to exercise them are set out in the relevant terms and conditions of the relevant online store.

Our Right to End the Contract or Restrict Access to Our Services

We may terminate our contract with you to use the Services if you breach any of these Terms, or if you breach the terms you have entered into with any third party involved in a transaction. For example, if you breach the Google Play or Apple App Store terms and conditions.

If you breach any of these Terms, we may also choose, at our discretion, to restrict your access to any part of the Services. For example, we may close any account you have with us. We will try to inform you and give you a chance to appeal where possible.

If you breach these Terms, or if your account is closed, you may lose access to in-game purchases you have made and other data.

If we terminate our contract with you to use the Services, or restrict your access to any part of the Services, we may, at our discretion, delete certain data related to your use of the game or disable access to it. This may include, for example, saved games, high scores, or your position in a league table. If we terminate our contract with you to use the Services, or restrict access to any part of our Services, we may also delete any in-game purchases or Virtual Items you have obtained, and you will no longer be able to use those purchases.

Do I Have to Be a Certain Age to Use the Services?

The Services are not intended for use by children. For some Services, you may need to register and should be at least over 16 to do so. If you help someone who is 16 or under to register for or otherwise use any Services, you assume full liability for any consequences.

If you are under the age of 16, you must not use our Services unless you have the consent of a person who has parental responsibility for you.

You must ensure that our Services are not used by anyone under the age of 16. We will not be responsible for children who use your credit card or other means of payment to purchase any Services, such as in-game purchases.

Other Important Legal Terms

The Services are made available for personal and not commercial use. You cannot assign, sublicense, or otherwise transfer any or all of your rights or obligations under these Terms to any other person.

If any part of these Terms becomes invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, it shall be amended to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal, and enforceable. If that part cannot be amended, it will be deleted. The amendment or deletion of any part of these Terms shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of the Terms.

If we do not enforce a right we have against you, this does not prevent us from enforcing this right at a later date. A person who is not a party to these Terms does not have any rights under them.

Changes to These Terms

We may revise these Terms at any time to reflect changes in or to: - relevant laws or regulatory requirements; - security, technical, or operational issues; and - the functionality or features of the Services.

If we change these Terms, we will post summary details of the changes below. If we have your email address, we may also decide to email you with information on those changes.

By accepting revised Terms, you agree to comply with them. If you do not agree to the revisions, you must stop using the Services.

How to Contact Us

Please contact us at:


Letter: Mystral SAS, 3 clos de Durand, 06330 Roquefort les Pins, France

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